Monday, May 18, 2009

Tweet Tweet

When we first started discussing a wedding "theme" I brought up birds and immediately got shot down. Mr Frenchie thought it might be too "girlie" and Mama Frenchie just thought I was crazy. After this I started to see bird themed weddings all over the place, couples were using bird cake toppers or had birds on their invites and I.was.JEALOUS! 

But, after Mr Frenchie and Mama Frenchie saw how freakin' cute our Birdie Cake topper was they both jumped on the Birds band wagon. I'll admit I had become attached to our new Herbs table theme, but since it was becoming increasingly difficult to procure all the Herb packets without going severely into debt, I gladly went back to Birds. So far we're going to have birds on the cake, tables named after birds and these adorable place card holders.

The cool thing is they double as favors! Done and Done! (or as my buddy D'orsay would say, "Huzzah!") 
I'm thinking that along with each guests name I'm going to clip on a thank you note. The note will explain the birds are their's to keep. I haven't figured out the wording yet, but I would hate for one to get left behind... gee that would stink if I ended up with extras *wink, wink*.

Based on the information and picture on My Wedding, we were nervous about the quality of the birds, so I ordered a set to check them out. The arrived today and I was pleasantly surprised with how cute they are in person and how sturdy they are. Not that there will be much wind in Rancho Bernardo in August (no matter how hard I pray), but if a gust decided to blow these puppies would stay standing.

Here they are modeling on my desk...

Strike a pose there's nothing to it, Vogue.

Does your wedding have a "theme"? Did you change it mid-planning?

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