Monday, July 13, 2009

Our Invitations... ARE AWESOME!

First of all I KNOW our invites should have gone out much sooner than now. I cannot believe it didn't really hit me until this past week that HELLO our RSVP date is the end of this month and our guests have yet to receive the invitation! Bad Bride! Maybe, I was just too sad to part with them because I am so in love. Mr Frenchie is lucky I met him before these invitations (or I met these invites because of him) because it would be hard to choose between the two. (Honey, I am kidding, of course).

This Sunday Mr Frenchie, Mama Frenchie, Sister Frenchie and I sat around the Mama Frenchie's dinning room table and knocked these puppies out. (As a Bulldog I'm not sure I should be using that saying).
The assembly line started with me, I stuck all the liners in inside the envelopes and helped Mama Frenchie find names to cross off on the list.

Our friendor Joe had our birdie design printed on contact paper. I would take the backing off the top inch (which was scored), put the still backed part in the envelope and then stick down the sticky side right below the glue part of the envelope. I was super easy!

I would then hand the envelopes off to Mama Frenchie who would number the backs of all the RSVP cards with each guest corresponding number from our spread sheet. This way if anyone forgets to put their name on the reply card we can figure out who they are.

Next, Mama Frenchie would hand them off to Sister Frenchie who would put a Queen Stamp on all the reply envelopes and stuff the whole suite inside.

Early in the week I had printed our address on all the reply envelopes using my trusty (knock-on-wood) HP work printer.

As you can see I had to tape every envelope to a piece of paper because it was too tiny to feed through my envelope slot. This is how the Pros do it, right?

After everything was inside the envelope, Mr Frenchie would seal the outer envelope with a wet sponge and aflix the SUPER CUTE wrap-around return address sticker. He would then pass it back to me and I would put the King Stamp on the outside.

Here is what they look like as you open them (it pains be to cover up the info, it is so pretty)...
Didn't BM F do a beautiful job?

The sticker isn't completely stuck down on this one because it is the back of Sister Frenchie's invite. On the rest of the invites the wrap-around label lays flat.

The Reception and Morning After Breakfast RSVP cards tear off to be mailed back, so the guest can keep the directions and accomodations cards.

So there you have it Hive, the French Bulldog invitations! My DOC loves them so much she wants me to send on to her so she can spend time with it. She wanted to know if that was weird, but I saw nothing wrong with it because, as you know, I wanted to marry them.

Did you cut it close mailing out your invites?

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