Thursday, August 6, 2009

2 Down, 1 More To GO

Early this week I went to my second dress fitting, I only have one more! I cannot believe the countdown to the French Bulldog wedding has entered the teens! EEEEE!
Monday, with about a half an hour left of work, something told me to check the card where my next appointment with Mahtab had been written. Thank God, I did, because it was scheduled for 5:30pm that day. (After my Bride Brain confession, I started taking steps to become more organized and I have written everything on a calendar at my desk, I got the card out to add her to my calendar).

*** Mr. Frenchie, with umpteen days left to go, I'm sure you can make it without peeking, No Lookie por favor***

After work I had just enough time to go home, grab my shoes and rush over to Mahtab's house. Everything happens for a reason though, because if I had remembered, in the morning, to bring my shoes, it most likely wouldn't have occured to me to bring my veil. I hadn't been able to take any pictures of it since it arrived two weekends ago because I misplaced my camera.
So, the stars aligned and I remembered my appointment, grabs my shoes, my veil and my camera and drove to Mahtab's. PHEW!
I wish the picks of my dress had some dramatic change from the last time, but if you remember, there wasn't a whole lot to fix to begin with. Mahtab, took in the top of the dress so it lays flatter in my boobal area, added my bustle and took up the bottom a little. In the pictures, it looks pretty much the same as the last time I showed you. However, up-close the hem is AMAZING! Mahtab cut the lace detailing off the bottom, shortened the dress and is re-sewing it back on! I thought forsure I would just lose the lace on the bottom, but Mahtab is awesome and that is why I heart her.
Check out the goofy grin! Geez, I must love you guys for putting this on the internet.
Now for the back...
The bustle is finished... or should I say almost finished, we decided to add one more hook so I can take the middle of the bustle (below the bow strings) and pin it up just below the bow. It's hard to visualize but I'll take pics for you when I got back next Tuesday.
Now, for the really exciting part, my veil. I had tried on a couple veils at a few different salons. I knew I wanted a shorter veil because I kept pulling the veil around my shoulders when I would try-on the longer ones.
I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do, but then I saw Miss Bruschetta's post on veils and I feel in love with the look of this veil.

Isn't my buddy, Bru, GORGEOUS!?!

A lot of people suggested she contact Mrs. Sea Breeze who started her own business making veils, so I decided to take their suggestions and I emailed Kasia. First off, Kasia is a total sweetheart, and a absolute joy to work with. I sent her pictures of my dress and the picture of Miss Bruschetta and, although she had never made anything like it before, she agreed to try.

I couldn't be more happy with the result.

She put three layers of tulle - the top and bottom layers are a tighter weave tulle and the middle layer has a larger weave. I love that it's a mix and I love that it's poofy and short, but still covers my back a little. I'm so happy Kasia agreed to make my veil because I found nothing like this in my area... Canada is SO lucky!

Did you have to go somewhere other than a bridal salon to find the veil of your dreams?

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