Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Frenchiemoon: Canada, Part 3 - Montreal

Caution: One of these photos may not be suitable for work.

The most exciting part about the two FULL days we spent in Montreal, (besides our free breakfast, and happy hour) was the into a museum I'd seen in our travel book. Pointe-à-Callière, was just 3 blocks down the street from our hotel, it was nice not to need our car to get somewhere.
Yes, they had a Pirate exhibit, and we made it there too, but our favorite exhibit was the Archaeological site below the museum. The exhibit was amazing, Mr Frenchie kept thanking me for thinking of coming to this museum. There is something incredible about learning the history of the very spot you are standing. If you ever find ourself in Montreal I cannot recommend this exhibit highly enough.

The next day when were off exploring again, the museum had set up an old farmer's market.

The most fun was seeing how the had tied it into the exhibit we'd seen the day before.

Even excited in the rain! I'm horrible with history, so I was probably more exited because the whole market made sense to me.

The rest of our time in Montreal we finally found Mr Frenchie's Starbucks.

We realized when he was going to order that is standard coffee with an inch of cold soy wouldn't work with their metric system. He felt really silly saying it in centimeters.

We saw some interesting shops...

Yes, those are what you think they are.

Um... yeah, this Christmas store wasn't as cool as we thought it would be. But, it was good for a laugh.

Sadly, because of our day of rain, we didn't make it to a few places we wanted to see. Mount Royal, the Biodome,

But, as you can see, we did get to see them from afar. (Pixel City was my favorite it was across the river from our hotel).

Did weather keep you for any activities you wanted to do or places you wanted to go on your honeymoon?

Up Next: Ottawa and why we cut our trip in Canada short.

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